Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Momo Watanabe vs. Utami Hayashishita (Stardom, 4/5/2019)

Stardom American Dream 2019 in the Big Apple (4/5/2019)

Wonder of Stardom Championship: Momo Watanabe (c) vs. Utami Hayashishita

This is a big first time match-up and while it wasn't the large-scale epic it probably would have been if it happened in Japan, it's very good. Great back and forth action, with good building and heated near-falls.


GEKOKUJyou (Kyuuri & Maika Ozaki) vs. Azure Revolution (Maya Yukihi & Risa Sera) (Ice Ribbon, 3/17/2019)

Ice Ribbon - #949 ~ Chiba Ribbon 2019 (Day) (3/17/2019)

International Ribbon Tag Team Championship: GEKOKUJyou (Kyuuri & Maika Ozaki) (c) vs. Azure Revolution (Maya Yukihi & Risa Sera)

A fantastic sequel to last year's International Ribbon match between these teams. This one was more heated and hard-hitting, they're largely exchanging moves, but they kept the action varied enough for that to be interesting for 18-minutes.
