Sunday, June 23, 2019

Tokyo Joshi Pro - Tokyo Princess Cup (6/22/2019)

5. Tokyo Princess Cup - Quarter-Finals: Miu Watanabe vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Yuka was very good chipping away at and controlling the arm of Miu. Miu powered through the punishment in a performance befitting an ace, delivering an explosive output. The sequences built around Yuka's elbows and Miu's laser beam chop were exciting. An excellent quarter-final.


6. Tokyo Princess Cup - Quarter-Finals: Mizuki vs. Shoko Nakajima

The theme was weakening the opponent's bridge (as both wrestler use bridging suplex finishing holds), by working the head or back. Submission struggles were strong and painful looking, and there's fancy technical wrestling. This was a beautifully paced, dramatic contest.
