Friday, September 11, 2020

Stardom - 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 (9/6/2020)

2. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block A: Jungle Kyona vs. Saya Iida

This was a great high-paced striking match between former JAN teammates, that packed a lot of action for its short duration. Iida, who is inspired by Tomohiro Ishii, really nailed his "staggered" selling during the strike exchanges.


3. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block B: Himeka vs. Saya Kamitani

I thought it was going to be tough for these two to go the distance in a 20-minute match given their relative inexperience, but they pulled it off beautifully. Their frustration and desperation came through well in their performances and they did an amazing job of keeping the match interesting.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Stardom - 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 (9/5/2020)

6. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block B: Giulia vs. Saya Kamitani

I didn't expect these two to match up stylistically as well as they did; their chemistry was excellent. Giulia was the feisty veteran who was trying to fire up the junior Kamitani. The triangle choke counter sequence was super slick and awesome. This match was a great display of Giulia's ability to bring out the best in a less experienced opponent.


8. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block B: Mayu Iwatani vs. Konami

Konami has been playing a very aggressive role in singles lately, with targeted offense and convincing submission work. Mayu did a great job of selling and bumping as usual. A strong main event with a great finish.
