Thursday, May 13, 2021

[BEST BOUT SELECTION] Hana Kimura's Best Matches

What are Hana Kimura's best matches?

These are my personal favorites.

I tried my best to provide a short context for each match before explaining what I enjoyed about them.

(Please note that some text may be borrowed or paraphrased from previous reviews)

Monday, May 10, 2021

Miyuki Takase vs. SAKI (AWG, 4/4/2021)

AWG - Act in Korakuen Hall (4/4/2021)

AWG Championship: Miyuki Takase vs. SAKI (4/4/2021)

The match started off at a high pace and then settled down to a slower pace. Everything was meticulously organized, and I always like SAKI's work, but as is often the case with AWG title matches, there was a lack of tangible drama to get to the next level.


Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Mina Shirakawa & Unagi Sayaka) vs. Queen's Quest (Momo Watanabe, Saya Kamitani & AZM) (Stardom, 3/26/2021)

Stardom - Road to Yokohama Dream Cinderella 2021 in Spring (3/26/2021)

Artist of Stardom Championship: Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Mina Shirakawa & Unagi Sayaka) (c) vs. Queen's Quest (Momo Watanabe, Saya Kamitani & AZM)

One of the best Artist matches in recent memory. Cosmic Angels have become a well-oiled machine, and of course, Queen’s Quest has a ton of experience working fast-paced high-octane trios matches. This was a full-throttle match from start to finish.


Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Tsukushi (Ice Ribbon, 4/24/2021)

Ice Ribbon - #1112 ~ Spring Is Short, Fight Girl (4/24/2021)

ICExInfinity Championship: Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Tsukushi

This was another great defense by Fujimoto, who has been on a title reign of consistent quality. Both competitors have over a decade of experience and inherited super moves from Manami Toyota, who happened to be present for the match. They traded some nice-looking technical wrestling and counters. The match was a bit lacking in terms of innovation and big exciting moves but it was still a strong match. 


Konami vs. Maika (Stardom, 4/10/2021)

Stardom - Cinderella Tournament 2021 (4/10/2021)

Cinderella Tournament - Round 1: Konami vs. Maika

These two just meshed so well together. Both of them have experience in judo so it was fun to watch them attack and defend on the ground. The match developed into a thrilling apron battle with a crazy finish.


Natsupoi vs. Starlight Kid (Stardom, 3/28/2021)

Stardom - Osaka Day & Night (Day) (3/28/2021)

High Speed Championship: Natsupoi (c) vs. Starlight Kid

This was a great High Speed main event. Both competitors were nimble and skillful in their movements and sharp in their offense and defense. Everything here looked so crisp, and there were some great transitions. Unfortunately, the finishing stretch wasn't strong, but overall it was still a very good match.


Tsukasa Fujimoto vs. Maya Yukihi (Ice Ribbon, 3/27/2021)

Ice Ribbon - #1106 ~ Ice Ribbon March 2021 (3/27/2021)

ICExInfinity Championship: Tsukasa Fujimoto (c) vs. Maya Yukihi

I think this was the best of the recent Ice Ribbon main events. They took a gradual approach, building up the big moves and drama, instead of the usual back-and-forth kick-out spam dreck. There were some creative counters in this match; the chemistry between these two is evident in the stability and accuracy of the work.
