Monday, September 21, 2020

Stardom - 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 (9/19/2020)

 1. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block A: Syuri vs. Maika

A good, lively opener with fast-paced action and neat counters; Syuri's experience really shows and she always delivers a consistent performance.


2. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block B: Starlight Kid vs. Saya Kamitani

This was a fun match. The kip-up sequence was nicely executed. They're not fast high-flyers by any means, but they're full of energy and have great technique, precision and balance. Kamitani's new "impact" finisher looks great.


4. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block B: Mayu Iwatani vs. Tam Nakano

The best of the three singles these two have had against each other. They packed a lot of emotion and drama into a short timeframe. The locomotion German suplexes from Tam, each with a beautiful bridge, was impressive, as was the finishing combination.


5. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block B: Konami vs. Himeka

I don't understand what some people are talking about with this "Himeka lacks mobility" stuff. Her running moves always have momentum and power behind them. This had some sloppiness, but overall, it was good.


6. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block A: AZM vs. Maika

Aside from the bland ending, this was a really great match. The submission exchanges on the ground were interesting. AZM has been very sharp lately in terms of execution, and Maika was a good base for her aerial attacks.


9. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Block A: Syuri vs. Utami Hayashishita

This definitely felt like a long match. It simply lacked the dynamism to keep the action fresh and exciting throughout its duration, but they generally did an excellent job of building tension with back and forth near-falls. 


10. 5STAR Grand Prix 2020 Finals: Himeka vs. Utami Hayashishita

Utami performing at this level right after a 20-minute match is a testament to her impressive stamina and endurance. Great heavyweight offense from both wrestlers and the lariat exchanges were excellent. The finishing sequence was amazing and showed how tremendous Utami's power is.


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