Saturday, April 30, 2022

Stardom - CINDERELLA TOURNAMENT 2022 (4/29/2022)

4. Gauntlet: Fukigen Death, Rina & Saki Kashima vs. Giulia, Maika & Thekla vs. Lady C, Saya Kamitani & Utami Hayashishita vs. Mayu Iwatani, Momo Kohgo & Saya Iida vs. Mina Shirakawa, Tam Nakano & Unagi Sayaka vs. Momo Watanabe, Ruaka & Starlight Kid

Easy and enjoyable match full of explosive moves and fresh and meaningful encounters. Everyone was able to showcase their uniqueness and contribute to the action, even if for a brief moment. The exchange between forever rivals Giulia and Tam was amazing, to no surprise. ****

5. High Speed Championship: AZM (c) vs. Mei Suruga

A dream match that exceeded its lofty expectations. Mei performing in a proper big match setting is something I've been waiting to see, and she was excellent here. She's less about striking and slamming, and more about pinning techniques and misdirects. AZM wasn't too far behind, with a big tope and well-timed counter kicks. There were high level transitions and counterwork from both and the division's signature pin-scrambles. ****1/4

6. Cinderella Tournament 2022 - Finals: MIRAI vs. Koguma

I didn't find much about this match all that exciting. It seemed to be lacking in narrative hook and emotion for a tournament finals, but there were a few good moments. Koguma does little things I always enjoy and her bump-reception is always good. MIRAI's finishing combination looked convincing, with an emphatic Miramare Shock. ***1/4

7. Wonder of Stardom Championship: Syuri (c) vs. Himeka

A heavy hitting main event clash befitting the image of the red belt. Himeka, who for the first time performed a plancha and jumping knee from the top rope, pushed herself to the limit and showed her high potential. Syuri always seemed to be one step ahead with her deep repertoire, countering Himeka's size and power with lucha libre holds and submissions at key moments. Himeka's old-school heavyweight style and Syuri's martial arts strikes and submissions made for a compelling hybrid mix. ****1/4

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