Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ice Ribbon #962 ~ Osaka Ribbon 2019 II (5/25/2019)

5. Kizuna Tournament Semi Finals: Maika Ozaki & Tequila Saya vs. Risa Sera & Suzu Suzuki

This was a very strong tag match. Suzu shined in an impressive performance. Sera had some moments where she showed off her amazing power and speed, and Maika continues to be one of my favorites in the promotion.


6. ICExInfinity Championship: Maya Yukihi (c) vs. Giulia

Yukihi is Ice Ribbon's absolute ace. She is beautiful, strong and has a keen sense of how to pace and compose an epic match. Giulia has cultivated a unique character and style in her 18 months as a pro, using unorthodox submissions and hammer lock techniques. There's a progression of violence here that leads to a brutal finish. The whole match is one of the most harrowing displays of violence to take place in the Ice Ribbon ring.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ice Ribbon - #974 ~ Osaka Ribbon 2019 III (8/3/2019)

5. International Ribbon Tag Team Championship: BURNING RAW (Giulia & Tequila Saya) (c) vs. Maika Ozaki & Saori Anou

A stupendous spot-fest; fast and furious action with great teamwork and little down time. There were a bunch of high-speed sequences that were fun to watch, and they do a wonderful job building heat for the near-falls.


6. ICExInfinity Championship: Maya Yukihi (c) vs. Tsukasa Fujimoto

This was a gift to Osaka from Maya and Tsukasa. An excellently paced 30-minute epic. I found myself so absorbed in the action that I was invested in almost every sequence. There was an attention to detail and a number of exciting segments, including callbacks to previous bouts in the feud. The kickouts towards the end were excessive, but the flow and excitement of the match never slowed down.
