Saturday, August 29, 2020

Tokyo Joshi Pro - Tokyo Princess Cup 2020 (8/29/2020)

2. Tokyo Princess Cup 2020 - Semi-Finals: Mizuki vs. Maki Itoh

This was a story-driven match, but the audience couldn't react in any way other than to applaud so it didn't come across as strong. Mizuki's positioning seemed off at moments, her face-lock transitions were slow and weak. She didn't have a good performance here. Itoh was about the level you’d expect, and had a couple of cool headbutt spots.

3. Tokyo Princess Cup 2020 - Semi-Finals: Shoko Nakajima vs. Miyu Yamashita

This was really good. A step-up from their title match last year, but with a weaker finish. Miyu used her size and strength to brutally impose her will on the smaller opponent. There were some creative spots that I've never seen from either performer before, and that German Suplex was one of the sickest bumps I've ever seen in TJPW.


6. Tokyo Princess Cup 2020 - Finals: Shoko Nakajima vs. Mizuki

This was a great tournament final. Shoko and Mizuki really work well together, as you can see from their previous matches. High level technical wrestling and high flying, innovative in both offense and defense, and an exciting apron battle. These two bring out the best in each other.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Mei Suruga vs. SAKI (ChocoPro, 8/22/2020)

 ChocoPro - #42 (8/22/2020)

Mei Suruga vs. SAKI

An amazing match that defied expectations. The best match I've ever seen from ChocoPro, with SAKI, who is an underrated but skilled and clever wrestler, giving one of her finest performances. Mei kept the match lively with her character work and distinct charm. The counter-wrestling between them was both innovative and exciting to watch.
