Saturday, December 28, 2019

Stardom - Goddess of Stars 2019 (12/15/2019)

2. Hina & Rina vs. Itsuki Hoshino & Saya Kamitani

These rookie matches generally never rise above the level of “functionally solid”, but this one was surprisingly great. A back and forth with heated near-falls. Rina & Hina's double teams, and Kamitani’s dropkicks and running shooting star were highlights.


4. Andras Miyagi vs. Giulia

A solid match, both performers were good and showed off their personalities and exchanged some heavy offense. Miyagi looks like she’s having fun in the ring again and had a stronger presence compared to the latter end of her run in Oedo Tai.

Stardom - Goddess of Stars 2019 (12/14/2019)

6. Hazuki vs. Kagetsu

The ground and grappling exchanges were technical and intense, and the offense from both looked good. But somewhere in the middle it lost its pacing, and the brief comeback sequence from Kagetsu made for a flat finish.

7. Goddesses of Stardom Championship: Tokyo Cyber Squad (Jungle Kyona & Konami) vs. Riho & Starlight Kid

This was more methodical and deliberately paced than the Shinkiba match, with a focus on Starlight Kid, who showed lots of fighting spirit in a strong performance. Riho was finding her mark with those jumping knee strikes, and the champions were dominant with their ring control and constant pressure.
