Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tokyo Cyber Squad (Jungle Kyona & Konami) vs. STARS (Arisa Hoshiki & Tam Nakano) (Stardom, 11/24/2019)

Stardom Goddesses of Stars 2019 (11/24/2019)

Goddesses of Stardom Championship: Tokyo Cyber Squad (Jungle Kyona & Konami) (c) vs. STARS (Arisa Hoshiki & Tam Nakano)

DREAM SHiNE (Arisa & Tam) is a dysfunctional tag team that unexpectedly found success in the tag league. The tag team champions, Kyona & Konami, have been in a slump and seemingly on the verge of dissolution. This was fast-paced and action-packed, with dynamic sequences and storytelling. The drama rapidly increases towards the end as a result of very well-timed pin breakups.


Sunday, December 1, 2019

Maya Yukihi vs. Suzu Suzuki (Ice Ribbon, 11/23/2019)

Ice Ribbon - #1008 ~ Yokohama Ribbon 2019 (11/23/2019)

ICExInfinity Championship: Maya Yukihi (c) vs. Suzu Suzuki

Suzu’s timing and pacing in this match were good, but the execution of her signature moves was lacking. The moves were either sloppy looking or lacked power, with the exception of the bridging German and swandive dropkick. She’s less than a year in so I don’t want to be too harsh, but it was disappointing given the high expectations of her challenging for the belt. Yukihi was in her usual impeccable form, delivering a formidable performance that had Yokohama rallying behind the underdog.
