Friday, June 26, 2020

Maya Yukihi vs. Suzu Suzuki (Ice Ribbon, 6/13/2020)

Ice Ribbon - #1046 ~ Yokohama Ribbon 2020 (6/13/2020)

ICExInfinity Championship: Maya Yukihi (c) vs. Suzu Suzuki

This was an improvement over their previous title match in Yokohama, but fell short of expectations. Both have undergone character transformations since then, with Yukihi becoming a heel and Suzu becoming a ninja, which added a new dimension to the matchup. The taunting at the beginning was fun, and there were some really cool sequences and moves throughout, but the match never felt like it shifted into that next gear. Moreover, Suzu never felt like she was even close to becoming the champion despite her momentum coming in.
