Thursday, October 12, 2017

NOAH - The First Navigation 2017 (1/7/2017)

3. Daisuke Harada vs. Kaito Kiyomiya

Fucking love these Kaito matches. They're concise, packed with action and the crowd is always hot for them.


4. Akitoshi Saito & Mohammed Yone vs. Kenou & Masa Kitamiya

I sometimes forget Kenou is supposed to be a heavy now. He's so small, esp. when he's in there with mammoths like Yone. This match was good. It had good energy. Everyone seemed motivated. Kenou shattered Saito's balls with his diving stomp, that looked fucking nasty.


5. GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship (vacant): Hajime Ohara vs. Taiji Ishimori

Ohara worked over Ishimori's back, but that didn't stop Ishimori from taking flight. This motherfucker was doing some wild stuff, including a flipping bodyslam from the top rope. I thought this was good. It got the crowd hot.


6. GHC Tag Team Championship: Go Shiozaki & Maybach Taniguchi (c) vs. Atsushi Kotoge & Naomichi Marufuji

The violence between Shiozaki and Kotoge increased every time they interacted and in the third act, Kotoge hits this grisly headbutt and they're both bleeding all over. Shiozaki's comeback was amazing. The crowd was going nuts. Marufuji was like a sniper with those kicks and knees; I dug his performance here as well.


7. GHC Heavyweight Championship: Katsuhiko Nakajima (c) vs. Takashi Sugiura

This was a spectacular slugfest. They were going back and forth with strikes while managing to keep action felt fresh. Sugiura has never been a wrestler I particularly care for, but he's always a good bully, and Nakajima worked well as the underdog; he had to dig deep and hit harder to put the brute away.


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