Monday, August 10, 2020

Stardom - Cinderella Summer In Tokyo (7/26/2020)

4. STARS (Mayu Iwatani & Saya Iida) vs. Donna del Mondo (Himeka & Syuri)

Mayu's interactions with DDM were fresh and interesting, looking forward to seeing her work singles matches with Syuri and Himeka in the near future. Iida's developing into a Tomohiro Ishii-esque brawler-technician. Those gatling elbow strikes looked cool.


5. High Speed Championship: Riho (c) vs. AZM vs. Starlight Kid

I was a little disappointed Riho wasn't involved in the finish... I know she has to be protected, but I wanted to see at least one successful somato. This was really fun, there was great timing and crisp execution. The true essence of high speed was on display in this match. While these matches never reach a high level, they're always easy to watch.


6. Goddesses of Stardom Championship (vacant): Queen's Quest (Saya Kamitani & Utami Hayashishita) vs. Tokyo Cyber Squad (Jungle Kyona & Konami)

Kyona & Konami looked awesome, the way they were controlling the ring. Utami & Saya were able to break through the veteran team's stronghold by putting together double team flurries. This was a good match to decide the new champions.


7. Wonder of Stardom Championship Tournament - Finals: Tam Nakano vs. Giulia

This match was a classic and one of my favorites of the year. Another emotionally-charged battle from Tam Nakano, who always brings a variety of emotions to big matches. Similar to Giulia's match with Hana, this one had dangerous techniques such as head butts, steep suplexes and avalanche moves. The lack of chanting only accentuated some of the violence on display. The deliberate pacing of the match allowed them to touch on several themes and build up to a great climax. These two have brilliant chemistry in ring and out.


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